Est. 1974
"Not just a brag, not just a stepping stone to the higher title, not just an adjunct to competitive scores, a title is a tribute to the dog that bears it, a way to honor the dog, an ultimate memorial. It will remain, in the record and in the memory, for about as long as anything in this world can remain. Few humans will do as well or better in that regard. And though the dog himself doesn't know or care that his achievements have been noted, a title says many things in the world of humans,where such things count.
A title says your dog was intelligent, and adaptable, and good natured. It says that your dog loved you enough to do the things that please you however crazy they may have sometimes seemed. And a title says that you loved your dog enough to spend time with him because he was a good dog, and that you believed in him enough to give him yet another chance when he failed,and that, in the end, your faith was justified. A title proves that your dog inspired you to that special relationship enjoyed by so few, that in a world of disposable creatures, this dog with a title was greatly loved, and loved greatly in return.
And when that dear short life is over, the title remains as a memorial of the finest kind, the best you can give to a deserving friend, volumes of praise in one small set of initials after the name. A [performance title] is nothing less than the love and respect,given and received and recorded permanently."
Author unknown
"The accomplishments of these dogs, many handler/owned &
trained-HOT, are a testament to the
versatility of the dogs from the Valkyre breeding program."
Anka die Valkyre, CD, TT, Reg Therapy Dog,
Whelped: 12/19/84
OFA-GS-19446F28F-T Elbows Normal
Sire: Der Hans v. Kriegerhaus, Police Service Dog
Dam: Elke vom Katzen
Anja a.d. Valkyre, CD, TT
9/6/86 - 7/1999
Sire: V-1 Bingo v. Krahnenquell, SchH 3, FH, CDX, KKL-Ia, Lbz.
Dam: Anka die Valkyre, CD,TT,TC, Reg. Therapy Dog
[Handler/Owner/Trainer: John Sanders]
Argus v.Valkyre, TT, HIC
Whelped: 9/28/87
Sire: VA Putz vom Arjakjo, SCH 3, FH, IPO, KKL-1a, Lbz.
Dam: Anka die Valkyre, CD, TT, TC, Reg. Therapy Dog
V-1 AllStar v. Valkyre, SchH 1, KKL-1 "a" normal
5/30/97 - 4/22/11
OFA GS-56088G24M-T/EL9999-T
Sire: (USA) VA-Cimbo v. Mönchberg, SchH 3,KKL-1a, OFA
Dam: V-Elba v. Vierhundert Hertz, SchH 1, KKL-1a, OFA
[Handler/Owner/Trainer:Ray Rassmussen]
V-Rated SV Judge Wilhelm Scheld
VP-1 Asta v.Valkyre
5/30/97 - 9/2012
OFA GS-56019G24F-T/EL9971-T
Sire: (USA) VA-Cimbo v. Mönchberg, SchH 3,KKL-1a, OFA
Dam: V-Elba v. Vierhundert Hertz, SchH 1, KKL-1a, OFA
First Place, Northwestern RegionConformation Show
(3-6 mo. Class) Nov. '97
Beaujet v. Valkyre Type 1 Wilderness Area Certified,
Type 1 Cadaver Certified, Avalanche Certified, "a" normal H/E
Sire:Diego-Armando v.d. Roggenstrasse SchH3
Dam:Prada v. Valkyre IPWDA Underwater Human Remains Detection
IPWDA Basic & Advanced Cadaver Search, OFA
[Handler/Owner/Trainer: Lisa Whatford (EDSO)]
SG-1 Ben v.Valkyre
9/15/97 - 10/9/10
OFA GS-58587F30M-T, EL11129-T
Sire: (USA) VA-Cimbo v. Mönchberg, SchH 3,KKL-1a, OFA
Dam: V-1 Jana v. Steffen Haus, SchH 2, KKl-1a, OFA
[Owner:Julie Baldwin]
First Place,International All Breed Show
Best of Breed Puppy and Group 2
SG-2 IABKC June '98 (9-12 mo. class)
SG-1 JHA Class 1/8/99 (IABKCA)
SG-1 JHA Class 1/10/99 (IABKCA)
Bianca v.Valkyre, BH
9/15/97 - 7/2012
OFA GS-56960G24F-T, EL10396-T
Sire: (USA) VA-Cimbo v. Mönchberg, SchH3, KKL-1a, OFA
Dam: V-1 Jana v. Steffen Haus, SchH 2, KKl-1a, OFA
VP-3 '98 SW Region Conformation Show (6-9 mo. Class)Judge Herr Bernhard Norda
VP '98 USA Sieger Show(6-9 mo. Class)
SV Judge Eduard Hofman
Biko v.Valkyre, Wilderness, Avalanche & Cadaver Certified
9/15/97 - 5/11/10
OFA GS-58000F28M-T, EL11878M38-PI
Sire: (USA) VA-Cimbo v. Mönchberg, SchH3, KKL-1a, OFA
Dam: V-1 Jana v. Steffen Haus, SchH 2, KKl-1a, OFA
[Handler/Owner/Trainer:Sallee Burns]
Blue Diesel 3X-IPO3, 1X-IGP3, TD, TDX, Dock Diving Junior
OFA GS-96994G50M-VPI/GS-EL37973M62VP-1
Sire:Diego-Armando v.d. Roggenstrasse SchH3
Dam:Prada v. Valkyre IPWDA Underwater Human Remains Detection
IPWDA Basic & Advanced Cadaver Search, OFA
[Owner Dustin Bartley]
VP-1 Brett v.Valkyre
Whelped: 9/15/97
OFA GS-58288G29M-T, EL11001-T
Sire: (USA) VA-Cimbo v. Mönchberg, SchH 3,KKL-1a, OFA
Dam: V-1 Jana v. Steffen Haus, SchH 2, KKl-1a, OFA
[Owner:Bobbi Impellizzeri]
First Place '98 SW Region Conformation Show (6-9 mo.Class)
Judge Herr Bernhard Norda
SG-1 Brigit v.Valkyre "a" normal
Whelped: 9/15/97
OFA GS-57131G25F-T, EL10457-T
Sire: (USA) VA-Cimbo v. Mönchberg, SchH 3,KKL-1a, OFA
Dam: V-1 Jana v. Steffen Haus, SchH 2, KKl-1a, OFA
[Owner:Julie Baldwin]
First Place '98 SW Region Conformation Show (6-9 mo.Class)
Judge Herr Bernhard Norda
First Place JHA Class 1/8/99 (IABKCA)
First Place JHA Class 1/9/99 (IABKCA)
First Place JHA Class 1/10/99 (IABKCA)
Brixi v. Valkyre Tri-State Standards Cadaver 1 Certified, CGC, "a" normal H/E
Sire:Diego-Armando v.d. Roggenstrasse SchH3
Dam:Prada v. Valkyre IPWDA Underwater Human Remains Detection
IPWDA Basic & Advanced Cadaver Search, OFA
SG-Caprice v. Valkyre SchH 2, KKL-1, "a" normal
1/16/06 ~ 11/2019
OFA GS77920G24F-PI/ EL21454F24-PI
Sire:V-Akim v. Bramberg SchH 3, KKL-1a
Dam:V-Zoe v. Bramberg SchH 1, KKL-1a, OFA
V-Cito v. Valkyre, SchH 3, FH, KKL-1a, Lbz
[Certified Police Service Dog]
1/5/98 - 1/2010
OFA GS-59787F32M-T/EL11659-T
Sire: V-Sorbo vom Valkyre,SchH 1,KKL-I, OFA
Dam: V-1 Kerstin v. Mönchberg, SchH 1,KKL-Ia, Lbz, OFA
[Owner:Joe Riva, Hayward PD]
V-Rated SV Judge Frank Goldlust
1st Place SG-1 (12-18 mo. Class), SV Judge Wilhelm Euscher
SG-2 (12-18 mo. Class), SV Judge B. Norda
'98 USA Sieger Show SG-8 (12-18 mo. Class-22 entries) Judge Lothar Quoll
VP-2 (9-12 mo. Class), Judge Friedrich Kirchhoff
VP-3 (3-6 mo. Class), Judge Bernhard Norda
Contessa v. Valkyre CGC, TC, OFA, Diabetic Alert Dog [Call Name: Zora]
Whelped: 1/16/06
Sire:V-Akim v. Bramberg SchH 3, KKL-1a
Dam:V-Zoe v. Bramberg SchH 1, KKL-1a, OFA
[Handler/Owner/Trainer:M. Starbuck]
V-Credo v. Valkyre SchH 3, KKL-1, "a" normal
Whelped: 1/16/06
Sire:V-Akim v. Bramberg SchH 3, KKL-1a
Dam:V-Zoe v. Bramberg SchH 1, KKL-1a, OFA
[Owner:Mary Burns]
Deimos v. Valkyre BH
Whelped: 5/26/98
Sire: (USA) VA-Lenon du Val D'Anzin, SchH 3, IP2, Brevet, KKL-1a
Dam: Ultra v. Valkyre, SchH 2, KKL-1a, OFA
[Handler/Owner/Trainer:Scott Secrest]
D-Mars v. Valkyre CGC, Hearing Assistance Dog
Whelped: 3/02/06
Sire:V-Akim v. Bramberg SchH 3, KKL-1a
Dam:Julchen v. Valkyre SchH 1, OFA
[Owners:Ron & Connie]
V-Donner v. Valkyre SchH 3, KKL-1 "a" normal
Whelped: 5/26/98
Sire: (USA) VA-Lenon du Val D'Anzin, SchH 3, IP2, Brevet, KKL-1a
Dam: Ultra v. Valkyre, SchH 2, KKL-1a, OFA
[Owner:Sandra Stearns]
V-2 2001 NW Regional Conformation Championship SV Judge Albrecht Woerner
V-Rated SV Judge Gunther Bauer
V-Rated SV Judge Wolfgang Babilon
SG-1 (18-24 mo. Class) SV Judge W. Scheld
SG (12-18 mo. Class) Judge J. Grewe
Dustin v. Valkyre BH, CD, CGC
Whelped: 5/26/98
Sire: (USA) VA-Lenon du Val D'Anzin, SchH 3, IP2, Brevet, KKL-1a
Dam: Ultra v. Valkyre, SchH 2, KKL-1a, OFA
[Handler/Owner/Trainer:Cindy Miller]
Ella v. Valkyre SchH 1, OFA
Whelped: 3/27/06
OFA GS78390G24F-PI/EL2172F24-PI
Sire: [DK][NL]VA-1 Dux v. Jabora SchH 3, IP3, VH3, FH3, KKL-1a, Lbz
Dam: V-Foxina v. Bramberg SchH 3, KKL-1a, Lbz, OFA
SG-1 EnVee v. Valkyre SchH 1
Whelped: 22 August, 1998
Sire: (WDA)VA-Wilson aus Agrigento, SchH 3, KKL-1a
Dam: V-1 Cobra v. Mönchberg, SchH 2, KKL-1a
[Handler/Owner/Trainer:Colleen Bartley]
SG-1 (18-24 mo. class) SV Judge W. Scheld
SG-2 (18-24 mo. class) SV Judge Frank Goldlust
SG (18-24 mo. class) SV Judge Rudiger Mai
SG-2 (18-24 mo. class) SV Judge W. Scheld
Erri v. Valkyre CGC
Whelped: 11/17/2014
Sire:[CAN]VA-1 Yakari v. Holtkämper Hof IPO3, KKL-1a
Dam:V-Janna v. Valkyre SchH 2, KKL-1, "a" normal H/E
[Handler/Owner/Trainer Micky Adams]
VP-1 Felix v. Valkyre "a" normal
Whelped: 7/09/06
Sire: Brix z. Tehelne SchH 3
Dam: V-Glory v. Valkyre, SchH 1, KKL-1a
[Owners: Martin & Jenna Dunham]
V-Glory v. Valkyre, SchH 1, KKL-1, "a" normal
2/23/99 - 7/2009
OFA GS60953G24F-PI/EL12210-PI
Sire: V-1 Kimbo v. Mönchberg, SchH 3, KKL-1, Lbz. "a" normal
Dam: V-1 Cobra v. Mönchberg, SchH 2, KKL-1, Lbz. "a" normal
V-3 Working Female Class SV Judge Daniel Thibaut
SG-2 (12-18 month class) SV Judge W. Scheld
SG-2 (12-18 month class) SV Judge Frank Goldlust
SG (12-18 month class) SV Judge Rudiger Mai
SG-1 (12-18 month class) SV Judge Wilfried Scheld
VP-2 (3-6 month class) Judge Johannes Grewe
Haile v. Valkyre HT
Whelped: 2/09/07
Sire: V-1 Bravos v. Steffen Haus, SchH 3, KKL-1a
Dam: V-Foxina v. Bramberg SchH 3, KKL-1a, Lbz, OFA
[Handler/Owner/Trainer:Joyce Allegro]
Hanna v. Valkyre BH, CD, BN, RA "a" normal H/E
Whelped: 2/09/07
OFA GS82132G36F-VPI/EL24194F36-VPI
Sire: V-1 Bravos v. Steffen Haus, SchH 3, KKL-1a
Dam: V-Foxina v. Bramberg SchH 3, KKL-1a, Lbz, OFA
[Handler/Owner/Trainer:Micky Adams]
PNW Regional Conformation Championship SG-2 (18-24 month class) SV Judge Frank Goldlust
NW Regional Conformation Championship SG-2 (12-18 month class) SV Judge Hans-Peter Schweimer
VP-3 (6-9 month class) SV Judge Klaus Gothe
VP-4 (6-9 month class) SV Judge Hans-Ludger Göke
Southern Pacific Regional Championship VP-4 (4-6 month class 10 entries-all VP) SV Henning Setzer
NW Regional Conformation Championship VP-2 (4-6 month class 8 entries) SV Judge Wilfred Scheld
Helena v. Valkyre BH, BN, RN, STP1
Wilderness Trailing Level 1 Certified
L.E.T.S Tracking Certified
[Law Enforcement Training Specialists Int'l]
NAPWDA Cadaver Dog & Obedience Certified
[North American Police Working Dog Assn]
Whelped: 2/09/07
Sire: V-1 Bravos v. Steffen Haus, SchH 3, KKL-1a
Dam: V-Foxina v. Bramberg SchH 3, KKL-1a, Lbz, OFA
[Handler/Owner/Trainer:Morgan Wolf]
NW Regional Conformation Championship VP-5 (4-6 month class 8 entries) SV Judge Wilfred Scheld
Hildi v. Valkyre BH
Whelped: 2/09/07
Sire: V-1 Bravos v. Steffen Haus, SchH 3, KKL-1a
Dam: V-Foxina v. Bramberg SchH 3, KKL-1a, Lbz, OFA
[Handler/Owner/Trainer:Cris Schaffert]
NW Regional Conformation Championship VP-8 (4-6 month class 8 entries) SV Judge Wilfred Scheld
(JHKL) SG-1 Illa v. Valkyre, SchH 1, Reg. Therapy Dog
Whelped: 12/18/91
Sire: V-1 Ilko v. Haus Gero, SchH 3, KKL-1a
Dam: V-1 Jana vom Steffen Haus, SchH 2, KKL-1a, Lbz, OFA
Ibo v. Valkyre/K9 Blitz
CA P.O.S.T. Certified Police Service Dog - Dual Purpose Patrol/NDD
Whelped: 4/28/2015
Sire: Ibo an der langen Furt/K9 Bodie Sacramento PSD Ret
Dam: Brixi v. Valkyre SAR, OFA
Handler Ofc Joe Davis/Citrus Heights PD
I'Leighton v. Valkyre
Cadaver 1 & 2 Certified True North Search Dogs
On Shore Water Search Certified [Tri-State standards]
Land Cadaver Certification [IPWDA]
Open Water Search Certified [Tri-State standards]
UKC Novice Containers/Interiors, UKC Advanced Containers/Interiors
UCK Superior Containers
AKC MASTERS Container & MASTERS Interior
AKC-FDC (Farm Dog Certified)
Whelped: 4/28/2015
Sire: Ibo an der langen Furt/K9 Bodie Sacramento PSD Ret
Dam: Brixi v. Valkyre SAR, OFA
Handlers/Owners/Trainers Mary Lehman FEMA K9 Search Specialist & Dave Lehman
Indy v. Valkyre
Whelped: 4/28/2015
Sire: Ibo an der langen Furt/K9 Bodie Sacramento PSD Ret
Dam: Brixi v. Valkyre SAR, OFA
Iza v. Valkyre
Whelped: 4/28/2015
OFA GS-97039G24F-VPI
Sire: Ibo an der langen Furt/K9 Bodie Sacramento PSD Ret
Dam: Brixi v. Valkyre SAR, OFA
Izan v. Valkyre
FO, OB1 [SDA/UKC obedience]
Whelped: 5/11/07
Sire: V-Isko v. Bramberg SchH 3
Dam: Julchen v. Valkyre SchH 1, AD, OFA
[Handler/Owner/Trainer:Barbara Inman]
Jackson v. Valkyre Cadaver Type 2, Type 2 Wilderness Area Search (CARDA)
Water Certified (Calaveras County SAR)
Sire: Ibo an der langen Furt/K9 Bodie Sacramento PSD Ret
Dam:Prada v. Valkyre IPWDA Underwater Human Remains Detection
IPWDA Basic & Advanced Cadaver Search, OFA
Handler/Owner/Trainer Robyn Berwick CARDA, Calaveras County SAR K9 Unit
V-1 Jago v. Valkyre, SchH 3, KKL-1a, Lbz
Whelped: 8/27/99
OFA GS-62752F25M-PI/EL13138-PI
Sire: VA Timo v. Berrakasten, SchH 3, IP3, FH2, KKL-1, Lbz. "a" normal
Dam: V-Joan v. Drantumer Land, SchH 1, KKL-1, Lbz. "a" normal
V-1 Working Male Class SV Judge Daniel Thibaut
June 3 Homburg-Beeden, Germany 2nd place (18-24 month class) Judge Peter Messler
May 20 Achim Kr. Verden/Aller, Germany 3rd place (18-24 month class) Judge Otto Körber-Ahrens
May 6 Paderborn, Germany 3rd place (18-24 month class) Judge Ulrich Kosfeld
SG-3 (12-18 mo. class in Germany-10 entries) SV Judge Hans-Joachim Dux
1st Place (9-12 mo. class) SV Judge W. Scheld
1st Place (9-12 mo. class) SV Judge Frank Goldlust
Janna v. Valkyre SchH 2, KKL-1, "a" normal H/E
Whelped: 9/23/07
Sire: VA-Negus v. Holtkämper See SchH 3, KKL-1a, Lbz
Dam: V-Zoe v. Bramberg SchH 1, KKL-1a, Lbz, OFA
2010 SW Regional Conformation Championship V-3 SV Judge Hans Joachim-Dux
2009 SW Regional Conformation Championship V-4 SV Judge Hans-Peter Schweimer
PNW Regional Conformation Championship SG-1 (12-18 month class) SV Judge Frank Goldlust
NW Regional Conformation Championship VP-2 (9-12 month class) SV Judge Hans-Peter Schweimer
VP-3 (4-6 month class) SV Judge Joachim Stiegler
Juniper v. Valkyre SchH 2
Whelped: 9/23/07
OFA GS-81457G24F-VPI
Sire: VA-Negus v. Holtkämper See SchH 3, KKL-1a,
Dam: V-Zoe v. Bramberg SchH 1, KKL-1a, Lbz, OFA
[Owners:Celia, Kirsten & Joan]
Northwestern Regional Conformation Championship SG-1 (18-24 month class) SV Judge Wilfred Scheld
SG-1 (18-24 month class) San Diego SchH Club, SV Judge Klaus Gothe
PNW Regional Conformation Championship SG-2 (12-18 month class) SV Judge Frank Goldlust
NW Regional Conformation Championship VP-4 (9-12 month class) SV Judge Hans-Peter Schweimer
VP-2 (4-6 month class) SV Judge Joachim Stiegler
SG-1 Julchen v. Valkyre
SchH 1, AD
Whelped: 8/27/99
OFA GS-64521F34F-PI/EL-14029F34-PI
Sire: VA Timo v. Berrakasten, SchH 3, IP3, FH2, KKL-1, Lbz. "a" normal
Dam: V-Joan v. Drantumer Land, SchH 1, KKL-1, Lbz. "a" normal
SG-1 2001 NW Regional Conformation Championship (18-24 month class) SV Judge Albrecht Woerner
SG (12-18 mo. class) Judge Johannes Grewe
Kara aus dem Valkyre BH
Whelped: 5/15/90
Sire: V-Nax v. Hasenborn, SchH 3, FH, IP3, KKl-1a, OFA
Dam: Sarah v. Kriegerhaus, OFA [Personal Protection Dog]
[Handler/Owner/Trainer: Leslie Gerolde]
SG-1 Karma v. Valkyre
2/22/00 - 4/18/2014
OFA GS-64591G29F-PI/EL-14060429-PI
Sire: (USA) VA-Cimbo v. Mönchberg, SchH 3, KKL-1, Lbz. "a" normal
Dam: V-1 Cobra v. Mönchberg, SchH 2, KKL-1, Lbz. "a" normal
[Owner:Julie Baldwin]
SG-2 (12-18 month class) SV Judge Albrecht Woerner
SG-1 (12-18 month class) SV Judge Gunther Bauer
VP-1 (3-6 month class) SV Judge Frank Goldlust
VP-1 (3-6 month class) SV Judge W. Scheld
VP-2 (9-12 month class) USA Judge Johannes Grewe
Katzen's Elka aus dem Valkyre, HIC, TT
9/28/87 - 6/10/00
Sire: VA Putz vom Arjakjo, SCH 3, FH, IPO, KKL-1a, Lbz.
Dam: Anka die Valkyre, CD, TT, TC, Reg. Therapy Dog
Krieg v. Valkyre, Certified Police Service Dog
10/21/92 - 11/11/98
Sire: V-Nax v. Hasenborn, SchH 3, FH, IP3, KKL-1a, OFA
Dam: V-Anni v. Schueschderbua, CD, TD, OFA
[Handler/Owner/Trainer: Todd A. Gooler, Deputy Sheriff Sacramento County]
Lana v. Valkyre
Certified Wilderness, Avalanche & Cadaver
2/25/00 - 2/17/12
Sire: VA-Timo v. Berrekasten SchH 3, FH2, IP3, KKL-1a, Lbz
Dam: V-Joan v. Drantumer Land Sch 1, KKL-1a,
[Handler/Owner/Trainer:Dave Lehman, Eagle-eye K9]
SG-1 Leika v. Valkyre SchH 1, AD
Whelped: 2/25/00
OFA GS-64671G28F-PI/EL-14097F28-PI
Sire: VA-Timo v. Berrekasten SchH 3, FH2, IP3, KKL-1a, Lbz
Dam: V-Joan v. Drantumer Land Sch 1, KKL-1a, Lbz
[Handler/Owner/Trainer: Scott Secrest]
SG-1 NW Regional Conformation Championship (12-18 month class) SV Judge Albrecht Woerner
SG-3 (12-18 month class) SV Judge Gunther Bauer
Leska v. Valkyre BH
Whelped: 9/16/17
Sire:V-Uric v.d. Piste Trophe IPO3, KKL
Dam:Verena v. Valkyre BH, CD, "a" normal H/E
[Handler/Trainer Micky Adams]
(JKL '94 USA Sieger Show) SG-Lexi v. Valkyre, BH, Therapy Dog,
Whelped: 2/1/93
Sire: V-Nax v. Hasenborn SchH 3, FH, IP3, KKl-1a, Lbz, OFA
Dam: V-1 Jana v. Steffen Haus, SchH 2, KKL-1a, Lbz, OFA
L'Fable v. Valkyre CGC, CGC A, CGC U
Whelped: 9/16/17
Sire:V-Uric v.d. Piste Trophe IPO3, KKL
Dam:Verena v. Valkyre BH, CD, "a" normal H/E
[Handlers/Owners/Trainers:Romine-Casteel Family]
Luna v. Valkyre
, CD, BH
Whelped: 2/1/93
Sire: V-Nax v. Hasenborn SchH 3, FH, IP3, KKl-1a, OFA
Dam: V-1 Jana v. Steffen Haus, SchH 2, KKL-1a, Lbz, OFA
Minka v. Valkyre BH, UPr1
Whelped: 11/15/16
Sire:SG-Garak v. Heksterhorst IPO3, KKL
Dam:Brixi v. Valkyre Cadaver 1 Certified Tri-State Standards OFA
[Handler/Trainer Micky Adams]
Natazhat v. Valkyre
Wilderness & Cadaver Certified
Whelped: 2/14/2009
Sire: Phoenix v. Valkyre Wilderness, Cadaver & Avalanche Certified Search Dog, OFA
Dam: SG-1 Ella v. Valkyre SchH 1, OFA
Handler/Owner/Trainer Robyn Berwick
Calaveras County SAR K9 Unit
Clearwater County Search & Rescue
SG-Nando v. Valkyre , CGC [Personal Protection Dog]
4/10/94 - 11/9/10
OFA GS-45111G24M-T
Sire: V-Nax v. Hasenborn, SchH 3, FH,
IP3, KKL-1a, OFA
Dam: V-Elba v. Vierhundert Hertz, SchH 1, KKL-1a, OFA
[Handler/Owner/Trainer: Dan Sanders]
SG (12-18 mo. Class)Judge Heinz Grottendieck
VP-5 (3-6 mo. Class-17 entries) Judge Lother Quoll
V-Nasko v. Valkyre , SchH 3, KKL-1a,
Whelped: 4/10/94
Sire: V-Nax v. Hasenborn, SchH 3, FH, IP3, KKL-1a, OFA
Dam: V-Elba v. Vierhundert Hertz, SchH 1, KKL-1a, OFA
VP-3 (3-6 mo. Class-17 entries) Judge Lother Quoll
Nova v. Valkyre , AD, CD
Whelped: 4/10/94
OFA 45233E24F/EL5652
Sire: V-Nax v. Hasenborn, SchH 3, FH, IP3, KKL-1a, OFA
Dam: V-Elba v. Vierhundert Hertz, SchH 1, KKL-1a, OFA
Obi-Wan v. Valkyre
Wilderness, Avalanche, Type 1 & Type 2 Cadaver Certified
3/02/01 - 08/17/15
Sire: V-Donner v. Valkyre SchH 3, KKL-1a
Dam: V-Joan v. Drantumer Land Sch 1, KKL-1a, Lbz
[Handler/Owner/Trainer: Lisa Whatford (EDSO)]
Orissa v. Valkyre, Wilderness & Cadaver Certified
Whelped: 3/02/01
Sire: V-Donner v. Valkyre SchH 3, KKL-1a
Dam: V-Joan v. Drantumer Land Sch 1, KKL-1a, Lbz
[Handler/Owner/Trainer: Shawn Bengtson]
Ondo v. Valkyre , Certified Police Service Dog
Whelped: 9/17/94
Sire: V-Dingo v. Felsenwehr, SchH 3, KKL-1a
Dam: V-Elba v. Vierhundert Hertz, SchH 1, KKL-1a, OFA
[Handler/Owner/Trainer: Deborah Wilson/Placer County Sheriff]
1st Place VP-1 (6-9 Class) USA SIEGER SHOW 1995
1st Place VP-1, (3-6 Class) Judge Walter Martin
Phantom Storm v. Valkyre
Cadaver I & II/Tri-State Standards
Water , Shore & Evidence Certification/Tri-State Standards
Wilderness Certified
Whelped: 11/15/16
Sire:SG-Garak v. Heksterhorst IPO3, KKL
Dam: Verena v. Valkyre BH, CD OFA
[Handler/Owner/Trainer Sam Leigh]
SG-1 Phoenix v. Valkyre , BH, CD, CGC
Wilderness, Cadaver & Avalanche
Trained in Narcotics Detection
11/9/01 - 1/24/12
OFA GS-68235G25-M-PI/EL15901M24PI
Sire: V-1 Jago v. Valkyre SchH 3, KKL-1a, OFA
Dam: Ultra v. Valkyre SchH 2, KKL-1a, OFA
[Handler/Owner/Trainer: Mary Lehman]
Prada v. Valkyre
IPWDA Certified Underwater Human Remains Detection
IPWDA Basic Cadaver Certification
IPWDA Advanced Cadaver Certification
Whelped: 5/21/2009
OFA GS84878G25F-VPI/EL26092F25-VPI
Sire: Phoenix v. Valkyre Wilderness, Cadaver & Avalanche Certified Search Dog, OFA
Dam: V-Zoe v. Bramberg SchH 1, OFA
Handler/Owner/Trainer Mary Lehman FEMA K9 Search Specialist & Dave Lehman
SG-1 Quartz v. Valkyre
Whelped: 3/15/95
Sire: V-Dingo v. Felsenwehr, SchH 3, KKL-1a
Dam: V-1 Jana v. Steffen Haus, SchH 2, KKl-1a, OFA
1st Place
(3-6 mo. Class)Judge Heinz Grottendieck
1st Place VP-1
(6-9 mo. Class) Judge Henning Setzer
1st Place VP-1
(9-12 mo. Class) Judge Wolfgang Babilon
1st Place SG-1
(12-18 mo. Class) Judge Heinz Henrici
(18-24 mo. Class) Judge Ernest Ruckert
[Owner: Dr. M. Michelle Inouye DDS]
SG-1 Quino v.Valkyre
Whelped: 3/15/95
OFA 48566G24M-T/EL6853
Sire: V-Dingo v. Felsenwehr, SchH 3, KKL-1a
Dam: V-1 Jana v. Steffen Haus, SchH 2, KKl-1a, OFA
2x First (IABKCA)
(3-6 mo. Class)Judge Heinz Grottendieck
[Handler/Owner/Trainer: Charles Nathan]
V-1 Rena v.Valkyre, SchH 2, KKL-1, "a" normal
Whelped: 7/8/95
Sire: V-Nax v. Hasenborn, SchH 3, FH, IP3, KKl-1a, OFA
Dam: V-1 Dannie v. Lahnblick, SchH 1, KKl-1a
'V' Rated 1998 USA Sieger Show
International Champion
V-1 Open Class (1-16-98) Judge Mrs. H. Glendinning, Canada
V-1 Open Class (1-17-98) Judge Mrs. Lenora Riddle, USA
V-1 Open Class (1-18-98) Judge Mr. Roberto Zorzi, Italy
Reserve BEST of SHOW
SG-5 '97 USA SIEGER SHOW (18-24mo. Class)
First Place '97 Sunland SchH Club Show
International Junghund Champion, (IABKCA)
Rufus vom Minyard-Guillory CD
Whelped: 10/23/07
Sire: V-Isko v. Bramberg SchH 3
Dam: Zoia v. Valkyre BH, OFA
Owner:Dr. Paul Guillory PhD
SG-1 Saber v. Valkyre SchH 1, AD, TR1
Whelped: 7/26/02
OFA GS-64591G29F-PI/EL-14060429-PI
Sire: (USA) VA-Cimbo v. Mönchberg, SchH 3, KKL-1, Lbz. "a" normal
Dam: Julchen v. Valkyre SchH 1, AD, OFA
[Handler/Owner/Trainer:Michael Stackhouse]
Sarko v. Valkyre, Personnel Protection Dog
Whelped: 9/4/95
OFA GS-50881G26M-T EL7799-T
Sire: V-1 Nutz v Mönchberg, Schh 3,KKL-Ia,Lbz
Dam: V-Elba von Vierhundert Hertz, SchH 1, KKL-Ia, Lbz, OFA
(JHKL) SG-Sara v. Valkyre
Whelped: 9/4/95
Sire: V-1 Nutz v Mönchberg, SchH 3,KKL-Ia,Lbz
Dam: V-Elba von Vierhundert Hertz,SchH 1,KKL-Ia,Lbz
SG-3 (12-18 mo. Class) SV Judge E. Rueckert
VP (6-9 mo. Class) '96 USA Sieger Show
Saxon v. Valkyre Type 1, Type 2 Wilderness Search Certified (CARDA), Cadaver Type 2 Certified (CARDA)
Sire:Phoenix v. Valkyre BH, CD, CGC, Wilderness, Cadaver & Avalanche Certified Search Dog
Dam:Caprice v. Valkyre SchH 2, KKL-1, "a" normal H/E
Handler/Owner/Trainer Kim Hughes SLO Search & Rescue, CARDA
Scout (M-Litter v. Valkyre) CGC, NW2, SCN, SIN, SEN, SBN
Whelped: 11/15/16
Sire:SG-Garak v. Heksterhorst IPO3, KKL
Dam:Brixi v. Valkyre Cadaver 1 Certified Tri-State Standards OFA
V-Sorbo v. Valkyre, SchH 1, KKL-I
Whelped: 9/4/95
Sire: V-1 Nutz v Mönchberg, SchH 3,KKL-Ia,Lbz
Dam: V-Elba von Vierhundert Hertz,SchH 1,KKL-Ia,Lbz
V-2 (Working Males) SV Judge W. Euscher
V-4 (Working Males) SV Judge B. Norda
1st Place SG-1, 1997 NORTH AMERICAN SIEGERSHOW (18 to 24 mo Class)
SG-5 '97 USA SIEGER SHOW (18-24 mo. Class) Judge Lothar Quoll
VP-8 '96 USA SIEGER SHOW(6-9 mo. Class) Judge Hans-Peter Fetten
VP-2 (6-9 mo. Class) Judge Theodor Lugbauer
VP-2 (6-9 mo. Class) Judge Heinz Henrici
International Junghund Champion
Tamika v. Valkyre Type I Wilderness Search Certified,
Type 2 Cadaver Certification[EDSO], Avalanche Certified
Sire:V-Zamp v.d Urbecke SchH3, IPO3, KKL-1a
Dam:Caprice v. Valkyre SchH 2, KKL-1, "a" normal H/E
Handler/Owner/Trainer Chris Koslowski
Tasha v. Valkyre, CD, HIC
Whelped: 9/28/87
Sire: VA Putz vom Arjakjo, SCH 3, FH, IPO, KKL-1a, Lbz.
Dam: Anka die Valkyre, CD, TT, TC, Reg. Therapy Dog
T-Bone Capone v. Valkyre
Cadaver 1 True North Search Dogs
Whelped: 8/10/2019
Sire: V-Qwin z Cagova raje IPO3
Dam: Indy v. Valkyre IPO1 AD
Handler/Owner/Trainer Mike Bailey
Tulia v. Valkyre C-1 (CARDA)
Whelped: 8/10/2019
Sire: V-Qwin z Cagova raje IPO3
Dam: Indy v. Valkyre IPO1 AD
Handler/Owner/Trainer Kim Hughes
Ultra v. Valkyre, SchH 2, KKL-Ia
Whelped: 7/29/96
OFA GS-53548G26F-T/EL8931-T
Sire: V-Nax v. Hasenborn, SchH 3, FH, IP3, KKl-1a, OFA
Dam: V-1 Dannie v. Lahnblick, SchH 1, KKl-1a
[Owner: Sandra Stearns]
3x First
International Baby Champion & Best of Breed Puppy (IABKCA)
SG-(12-18 mo. class) Sunland Schutzhund Club '97
Valhalla v. Valkyre
Cadaver Certified (CARDA)
Water Certified (Calaveras County)
Trailing Certified (CARDA)
Whelped: 12/13/2022
Sire:V-Qwin z Cagova raje IPO3, KKL
Dam: Minka v. Valkyre BH, UPr1, OFA
[Handler/Owner/Trainer Robyn Berwick Calaveras County SAR, CARDA]
Valkyre's Red Pandora, UD, TT, HT, PT
Whelped: 2/25/89
Sire: V-1 Lido v Schloss Weitmar, SchH 3, KKL-Ia, Lbz., OFA
Dam: Sarah v Kriegerhaus, OFA
Valkyre's Seeker vom Valley View, TD, TT
Whelped: 9/6/86
(TD earned at 6 months of age)
Sire: V-1 Bingo v. Krahnenquell, SchH 3, FH, CDX, KKL-Ia, Lbz.
Dam: Anka die Valkyre, CD, TT, TC, OFA, Reg. Therapy Dog
Verena v. Valkyre CD, BH, "a" normal H/E
Whelped: 3/23/11
Sire:V-Zamp v.d Urbecke SchH3, IPO3, KKL-1a
Dam:V-Janna v. Valkyre SchH 2, KKL-1, "a" normal H/E
MACH Vista v. Valkyre CDX, MXB, MJS
Whelped: 4/24/12
Sire: [USA]VA-Ax Redox SchH 3, KKL-1a
Dam:Caprice v. Valkyre SchH 2, KKL-1, "a" normal H/E
[Handler/Owner/Trainer:Paula Kerezi]
WatchMe v.Valkyre, Certified Police Service Dog
Whelped: 7/22/96
Sire: V-1 Jaguar v Mönchberg SchH 3, KKL-Ia, Lbz.
Dam: V-1 Paula v. Mönchberg SchH 1, KKL-Ia, Lbz
Watcher v. Valkyre
Whelped: 1/3/2021
Sire: V-Ace v. Haus Tyson IPO3
Dam: Indy v. Valkyre IPO 1 OFA
Handlers/Owners/Trainers Mary Lehman FEMA K9 Search Specialist & Dave Lehman
Xander v. Valkyre BH, CGC, TD
Whelped: 10/10/03
Sire: *V-1 Jago v. Valkyre, SchH 3, KKL-Ia, Lbz, OFA
*V-Glory v. Valkyre, SchH 1, KKL-Ia, Lbz, OFA
[Handler/Owner/Trainer: Martha Claassen]
SG-1 Xano v. Valkyre, BH
Whelped: 7/25/96
OFA GS-53403F24M-T/EL8882-T
Sire: V-Dingo vom Felsenwehr, SchH 3, KKL-1a, Lbz. "a" normal
Dam: V-Elba v. Vierhundert Hertz, SchH 1, KKL-1a, OFA
[Handler/Owner/Trainer: Len King]
First Place, San DiegoSchH Club (12 to 18 mo Class) Nov. '97
Ynca v. Valkyre
, CD
Whelped: 05/16/04
Sire: V-1 Abbas v.d. Urbecke SchH 3, KKL-1a
Dam: Julchen v. Valkyre SchH 1, OFA
[Handler/Owner/Trainer:Beth Liveright]
Zarra v. Valkyre CDX, RN, RA, RE, CGC, CGC A, Registered Therapy Dog (Pet Partners/Delta Society)
Whelped: 5/9/12
Sire:V-Zamp v.d Urbecke SchH3, IPO3, KKL-1a
Dam:V-Janna v. Valkyre SchH 2, KKL-1, "a" normal H/E
[Handler/Owner/Trainer:Diane Koellen]
V-Zendi v. Valkyre,SchH 2, KKl-II
12/6/96 - 2/14/11
OFA Good GS-55297G27F-T/ EL-9665-T
Sire: V-Jasso v. Haus Schmittmann, SchH 3, KKL-Ia, Lbz.
V-Palme v. Felsenwehr, SchH 2, KKL-Ia, Lbz
V-rated under SV Judge Frank Goldlust
VP (6-9 mo. Class) SV Judge Hugo Nagel
Zoia v. Valkyre BH, "a" normal
Whelped: 8/13/04
OFA Good GS-75061G24F-PI/ EL-19673F24-PI
Sire: *V-Cito v. Valkyre, SchH 3, FH, KKL-Ia, OFA
Dam: *V-Glory v. Valkyre, SchH 1, KKL-Ia, Lbz, OFA
Zurich v. Valkyre NW1
Whelped: 5/9/12
Sire:V-Zamp v.d Urbecke SchH3, IPO3, KKL-1a
Dam:V-Janna v. Valkyre SchH 2, KKL-1, "a" normal H/E
[Handler/Owner/Trainer:Joyce Allegro]
We can be reached by e-mail
at rebecca@valkyre.com
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